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Our Courses

Our curriculum is designed to be both comprehensive and flexible, ensuring that every student—whether a ministry professional or a church member—can immediately apply what they learn. Below is an overview of our key programs:

Theological Studies & Bible Knowledge

  • Bible Survey: From Genesis to Revelation: A comprehensive course that explores the entirety of the Bible, examining major themes, historical contexts, and theological insights from the Old Testament through the New Testament.
  • Biblical Theology & Expository Preaching: Deepen your understanding of Scripture and master the art of preaching.
  • Old Testament Foundations: Detailed studies of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, and other key books.
  • New Testament Studies: Focus on the Gospels, Acts, the Epistles, and Revelation, understanding the development of early Christian thought.
  • Contemporary Biblical Application: Learn to apply ancient biblical principles to modern-day challenges.

Church Leadership & Administration

  • Church Planning & Management: Learn organizational leadership and strategic planning tailored to ministry settings.
  • Financial Stewardship for Ministries: Develop expertise in budgeting, fundraising, and ethical financial practices.

Christian Education & Life Skills

  • Curriculum Development for Christian Education: Create engaging, biblically sound programs for children, youth, and adult learners.
  • Life Skills for Christians: Courses on communication, decision-making, stress management, and practical living in today’s society.

Specialized Ministries & Contemporary Issues

  • Music & Worship Leadership: Enhance your musical talents and integrate technology into worship services.
  • Christian Entrepreneurship & Agro-Business: Gain insights into ethical business practices and sustainable agro-business models.
  • Psychology for Ministry: Learn psychological principles to support mental health and effective pastoral counseling.
  • Christian Peace & Security: Develop skills in conflict resolution, peacemaking, and ensuring safe communities.
  • Global Issues in Ministry: Tackle environmental, social, and economic challenges through a faith-driven lens.
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